“Pranava Peetam” as it is fondly called, is a spiritual organization involved in spreading Vedic knowledge across all the corners of the world under guidance of the vibrant Swami of our times. – Swami Omkar.
Swami Omkar has been providing spiritual guidance and awareness to the society through various age old systems like Yoga, astrology and vedic medicine. His endeavors have brought a sea of change to various individual’s life by imbibing the spirit of wholeness that comes by the following these gems from the Vedic world. For the past ten years, more than thousand people, have studied yoga and astrology under him.
Swami Omkar has been a inspiring factor, to many on how to appreciate the wonder of nature that surrounds and offer us bountiful resources. He has done extensive research which explains in simplified manner the relationship between Plants and Cosmic energy. These finding have been useful developing the green covers and using these plantations in treating individual. His dream of preparing a Nakshatra park is another pioneering approach to allow individuals to link up to their cosmic stars through the trees connected to their stars.
Agriculture Almanac which is published by Swami Omkar has been very useful to the agriculture community which is highly dependent on weather patterns for a good harvest. Over the period people have looked up to his almanac to achieve good yield and valuable farming tips. His work of integrating the Vedic science into several fields like Medical astrology and Agriculture are also commendable. He was the main speaker in alternative medicine conference 2007 held in Tamilnadu Agriculture University.
His literary work does not just stop with Agriculture almanac, he has been actively publishing Astrological almanac for the past 8 years, written several books and contributed many scholarly articles to spiritual magazines, internet forums. His day to day blog already has a huge fan following across the internet world. From the day to day issues to current social issues, Swami has some valuable points for everyone of us. He has been giving lectures and awareness in different forums, organizations and spiritual temples.
Swami likes to share his vision of self upliftment with every individual from all sections of society. Many people across the world have received this knowledge though the labored efforts of Swami Omkar and have conveyed their appreciation.